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The transformative power of education in motion

Moving Schools

Budget Moving School

Moving School Mankadapada

CHF 6'916


  • 01.04.2023: 1. Payment CHF 1'729
  • 10.07.2023: 2. Payment CHF 1'729
  • 15.10.2023: 3. Payment CHF 1'729
  • 21.12.2023: 4. Payment CHF 1'729

Moving School Manbhanga

CHF 5'668


  • 01.04.2023: 1. Payment CHF 1'417
  • 10.07.2023: 2. Payment CHF 1'417
  • 15.10.2023: 3. Payment CHF 1'417
  • 21.12.2023: 4. Payment CHF 1'417

The concept of the Moving School is to bring together children from slums and rural areas and provide them with a non-formal education in a pleasant and loving atmosphere. This prevents the children from having to do paid work or look after their siblings at home and therefore staying away from school. The Moving School aims to get children used to the structures of schools and education from an early age and to get them excited about learning. As a result, Moving School children generally attend public school from the age of six and do not drop out because they and their parents understand the benefits of education.

Current projects

Moving School Mankadapada

At the beginning of April 2022, classes started for the village children in Makadapada. The village of Mankadapada is located in the Indian state of Odisha, in the middle of the jungle of the Similpal hill. In this village there is neither a shop nor clean drinking water, nor is there a doctor. The people living there belong to the endangered Lodha tribe and they live in primitive mud huts that do not protect them from the cold and rain. The government is abandoning vulnerable tribes like the Lodha. They do not provide them with land where they can settle, so they are forced to scramble in the jungle for food and a place to stay. In addition, members of the Lodha tribe do not receive identity cards from the government.

The villagers have built a small hut on their own, where about 30 children are currently taught by two teachers for two hours a day from Monday to Saturday. These children, aged 3 to 14, are attending school for the first time in their lives, as there is no public school nearby. After the lessons, the children are rewarded with a snack. For many parents, this is also the incentive to send their children to school. This is because these parents have never had a school education themselves and are illiterate, which is why they cannot understand the benefits of education. The children are provided with school utensils by ChildRightNow (e.g. backpack, books, writing materials, etc.).

Moving School Manbhanga

The Moving School in the village of Manbhanga in the Indian state also started in April 2022. Currently, around 35 children attend classes for two hours a day during Monday to Saturday. Two teachers are employed. The students, who come from poor backgrounds, are members of tribal communities in the vicinity of Manbhanga village, some of whom are also orphans.

Project goals

  • Create a learning atmosphere that stimulates interest in learning
  • Teaching the following subjects in particular: languages (English and Oriya), reading, writing, arithmetic
  • Creating awareness of sanitary and hygienic practices and thereby reducing diseases
  • Regular contact with the parents of the school children to make them aware of the importance of school education
  • Enrolment of children in government schools
  • Follow-up care to reduce the number of school drop-outs
  • Reducing poverty and illiteracy
  • Building self-confidence, bringing out hidden talents and skills to help children grow into successful adults


Project partner

The project is implemented by our local project partner Sangrami and monitored by ChildRightNow. In addition, the project is inspected on site at least twice a year by a volunteer board member of ChildRightNow.

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